Saturdays Meeting Location

Hello everyone! Our meeting (tomorrow) will be in the Community Outreach Center at Southside Baptist Church. This is the building to the right of the covered walkway. Mary Bass will be presenting our program, Color In Quilts. We will also be electing our new officers for 2023. Don’t forget to wear your name tag and bring your show and tell.

If you are staying for the afternoon workshop with Mary, Triaxial Weaving, bring your lunch and workshop supplies.

Hope to see you all there!  Theresa Sapp

HQ Simply Sixteen quilting machine just listed

Take a look at our Quilters Marketplace to see photos of this Handi Quilter Simply Sixteen machine that is for sale.  It belonged to a Savannah woman who has passed away. Her niece, Ali McCorkle, is selling the machine. Her email is included with the listing. If you are looking for a longarm that doesn’t take up much floor space this may be just what you are looking for!

Theresa Sapp

Sewing for Project Linus

This is just a reminder for those interested, that Project Linus is having a sewing day this Saturday on the 15th at 10:00. It will be at the Bull Street Baptist Church. They ask that you please bring your own sewing machine. If interested, please RSVP to Ellie Grix. 573-631-2571

Sewing for Project Linus

This is just a reminder for those interested, that Project Linus is having a sewing day this Saturday on the 15th at 10:00. It will be at the Bull Street Baptist Church. They ask that you please bring your own sewing machine. If interested, please RSVP to Ellie Grix. 573-631-2571