Quilt Show In Duluth, GA!!
The Original Sewing and Quilt Expo will be in Duluth, GA March 9-11. Great Venue!
We have one Retreat opening that just now became available! It is for a single room, with lunch included. The price is $440. We arrive Thursday afternoon and sew until Sunday morning. So you still have plenty of time to gather some projects to work on! If you’d like to join us, call me and I can give you all the details of who to pay, directions, supplies, etc.
Kim Hayes 513-295-4753
SQG March Newsletter 2023
Happy March Everyone
Click here for your copy to download or print: SQG March Newsletter 2023
Carol Lannom
Corrected Info and Room number
SQG 2023 Retreat Info Corrected
I am having trouble with my “e$$” key; unfortunately I attached the old info information. Thi$ i the correct room a$$ignment$. Laurel
2023 Retreat Information
My ‘$’ key i$ broken; plea$e print off the following information. Laurel