Pop-up Social

I am so sorry I forgot to put the date on my original message…senior moment.

The Pop-up Sewcial to Jacksonville Quilt Fest 2023 is on Saturday September 16.

The address for the Osborn Convention Center is:

1000 Water St

Jacksonville Florida.



Pop-up Social Jacksonville Quiltfest 2023

Good Morning Quilters!

For our September Sewcial Pop-up, we will be carpooling to Jacksonville Quiltfes 2023.  We have 3 pick-up points for the carpool.  Carpools  will leave the pick-up points a 9 am.  Please arrive a few minutes prior to 9 am so we don’t leave you behind.

If you live west of Hwy 9 5, Hinesville, Midway, Richmond Hill, Pooler, Burwick, etc.  The pick-up point will be Kroger off 95 on Hwy 144.  Take the Hwy 144 ext on Hwy 95, go left on the round-a-bout and under the over pass, then go the next round-a-bout and take the first exit like you are going straight.  Krogers ia about 3/4 mile down on the left.  Park near the Kroger Pharmacy.

If you live ease of Hwy 95 ,Savannah, The Landings, etc, the pick-up point will be the parking lot in front of Dillards on the Abercorn side.

If you live on the Islands, Talahi, Wilmington, Whitmarsh, Tybe, etc.  The pick-up point will be posted separately.  the fall back pick-up point will be Dillards parking lot.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me.

Cindy Ochoa


Quilt tops for Project Linus

Don’t forget! If you took a Quilt Kit at the July meeting, please bring the pieced top to the guild meeting tomorrow, September 9! We’ll be assembling the tops into quilts at our Quilting Day on September 30. RSVP here if you want to join us! https://forms.gle/k2puiqzik8JwduJY7

Also as a reminder: Project Linus can only accept quilt tops when the materials have been provided by our chapter funds (i.e. the quilt kits and projects made on Sew Days). We cannot accept any other donated quilt tops due to limited funding and supplies.

E-mail me if you have any questions: elliegrix@gmail.com

Reimagined Dresden Block Class – This Friday 10am to 4pm

Get your fabrics out and join us for Candyce Grisham’s Reimagined Dresden Quilt Block Class this Friday at the Southside Baptist Church.  Please arrive at 9:30 so that you will have time to set up your sewing station and meet your fellow classmates.  Wear your name tag so we can put names to faces.  We have a member from South Carolina Quilt Guild joining us so please be sure to make her feel welcomed.  You should also plan to bring water, snacks and a lunch.

If you need a copy of the student supply list, drop me an email or text me and I will get it off to you.  Candyce is bringing her book and rulers for sale both on Friday and Saturday.

We ask that you help with the clean up at the end of class.  We need to pack up all our personal supplies and the guild’s supplies (power chords, irons and ironing table, cutting mat, etc) As well as putting the chairs and tables back in place. It takes a village to have a good time! Enjoy your day with Candyce.

Judy Walker.  cell: 912 547 3166      email:    jwwalker06@icloud.com