Meeting Correction & New Quilt Show

I wanted to correct my statement from yesterday’s meeting regarding non-members attending classes and workshops. It was easier to just copy our guild policy as it appears on the website. I apologize for the confusion.
Classes and After Meeting Workshops: Guild members have first priority to attend classes and workshops before the deadline date and interested non-members will be placed on a waiting list. Non-members can fill any openings after the deadline date. Non-members may be charged an additional $10 to attend a workshop or a class. The Savannah Quilt Guild does not refund workshop fees. You may sell your space to another Savannah Quilt Guild Member if you are not able to attend designated workshop.

I have also received an email from the East Cobb County Quilt Guild about their upcoming quilt show this June. It looks like a nice show. Some of you might like to enter this one! This link will get you to the show information.
Kim Hayes

November 11th Guild Meeting

Tomorrow is our monthly guild meeting. Social time and sign- in begins at 930. The meeting begins at 1000. If you entered a project in the Georgia National Fair, please bring that, and any ribbons. We will be displaying all of our beautiful work! See you at the meeting. Kim


Save the date: Honor Georgia quilter Harriet Powers on December 2nd

Hello Georgia Quilters!

My name is Kyra E. Hicks and I wanted to share with you that on December 2, 2023 at 11 a.m. there will be a service to honor Georgia quilter Harriet Powers (1837-1910) in Athens, GA. A new commemorative marker will be dedicated at her grave site at the Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery.

All are welcome!



Kyra E. Hicks

Arlington, VA

Author, This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers’ Bible Quilts and Other Pieces

Harriet and Armstead Powers Committal Ceremony Dec 2 2023 Athens GA v2