Important Project Linus Information

Hello again, members! I forgot to mention a policy regarding quilting donated tops:

Project Linus can only complete quilt tops when the materials have been provided by our chapter funds (i.e. the quilt kits and projects made on Sew Days). We cannot accept any other donated quilt tops due to limited funding and supplies.

Thank you all for your understanding! E-mail me if you have any questions regarding Project Linus’ policies on donations.

Project Linus Quilting Day, September 30

Hello, guild members! First of all, thank you all so much for your continued support of Project Linus. This chapter is incredibly fortunate to have so many talented and generous quilters in our community!

I’m excited to announce our next event: a “Quilting Day,” held Saturday, September 30. RSVP and details here:

Rather than sewing quilt tops, we’ll be assembling the Quilt Kits into finished quilts. Project Linus will provide the batting and 108″ wide backing fabric. We need volunteers to cut batting, prepare backing fabric, assemble binding strips, and most importantly, quilt the “sandwiches” together. Fancy designs are not necessary; simple “stich in the ditch” or wavy lines are perfect!

Click the link above to RSVP (you can edit your response later).

And finally, if you took home a Quilt Kit at the August meeting, please have it ready by the September 9 meeting! 

If you have any questions, e-mail me at


Thank you!


Photo Directory update

The member photo listing has been updated including all new members thru the August meeting. I am working on getting the missing photos. If your photo is missing, please feel free to send me (Donna Vandable) a “head selfie” via text at 912.713.0339 or email at Also, please notify me of any discrepancies found.

Pop-up Sewcial


We are the Barbie Generation!  If you would like to see the “Barbie” movie or would like to see it again with a bunch of your closest quilty friends.  We are having a pop-up social on Tuesday 15 August at NCG Savannah Cinema.

NCG Savannah Cinema  3001 Skidaway Rd

Movie time is 11:20 am

I encourage you to purchase tickets in advance on line.

For those who are interested in going to lunch after the movie…we will find a place on Tuesday.

Hope to see you at the movies!


How to register your quilt(s) for the Georia National Fair

To register your quilt (s)

  1. Go to
  2. Select Georgia Living on the top bar
  3. Select Home Arts & Fine Arts
  4. Scroll down to Competition – 2023 Quilts on right hand column
  5. Open 2023 Quilts
    1. Print and read carefully the directions on how to enter your quilt.
  6. Return to Home Arts & Fine Arts page
  7. Scroll down the page to Video “Step by Step Pictorial Tutorial”
  8. Once you have all the information you need to register your quilt
    1. Click on Online Entries and work your way through the fields.
    2. Print two copies of the completed registration
      1. One will go with your quilt in the pillowcase
      2. The second, pinned to the pillowcase will go to Lanette
    3. Pillowcase should be marked with the quilt’s name, your name and Lanette’s name

Delivery your quilt (s) to Lanette before Thursday September 7th