Pics last meeting

Hey everyone – I had a camera issue taking show and tell pictures last meeting, and I missed a few people in the middle. If you look at the photos and don’t see your quilt, please bring it to the next meeting and I’ll try again🙂

April Modern Bee Reminder

Just a note to remind you that the Modern Bee will be meeting this Wednesday April 17 from 1-4 at the Talahi Island Community Center (532 Quarterman Dr.). As usual all are welcome.

This month we’ll be starting the DIY Round Robin Quilts for those who want to tackle this project. (The plan is described in more detail in the entry in the Modern Bee section of this website.) We’ll be starting with circles and this will be the focus of Wednesday’s meeting. Bring some fabric, your machine, and ideas.  Also bring show and tell contributions. We’ll have circle templates and ideas from various books on hand.

If you want to work on another project, that’s ok, too. See you Wednesday.


April 13th meeting

Hi Everyone! This is just a reminder that this Saturday is our guild meeting. Please note that we will need to start the meeting promptly at 1000. We need to have our program first this month, because Fred Langley has another commitment and must leave at 1100. He has plenty of time for his presentation, provided we get started on time. The regular business meeting will be after the program. Our social time starts at 930, and if you can arrive early, it would be appreciated. We are also signing up for the 2025 retreat on Saturday, so if you plan to sign up, please plan accordingly to help alleviate a long line. See you all Saturday! Kim

DIY Round Robin Quilt

DIY Round Robin Quilt 

The Modern Bee is going to be starting a DIY Round quilting project, but everyone is invited to join in. Here’s how it will work: 

  1. You will make this quilt by yourself. You’ll only be making one quilt. You will not be passing it to other people to add sections. 
  2. Each month we will announce the general design to be used in a guild web page post. The first month (this April) the design will be circles. Do anything you want but make sure there’s a circle someplace. The next month a new design approach will be announced. This will go on for five months.
  3. There are NO other design rules. So, you will decide on: 
  •  The size of your quilt, anywhere from a miniature to a king size; 
  • The color scheme; 
  • The general style and techniques, i.e. modern, traditional, applique, pieced, etc., etc.; 
  • The use or non-use of any embellishments. 

Our goal is to have these quilts finished by January 2025, but pacing is also an individual decision. 

Comments: This approach will undoubtedly lead many to construct medallion quilts, but this is not necessary. Some may make ladder-like quilts. Others may have the various sections in a randomly pieced order. 


April Modern Bee Meeting

The Modern Bee will be meeting again on Wednesday April 17 from 1-4 at the Talahi Island Community Center (532 Quarterman Dr.). We’ll be starting with the DIY Round Robin Quilt project and concentrating on circles — the first step in this quilt. However, if you want to being other work you’re involved in that’s fine, too. Also, don’t forget to bring some “Show and Tell” projects to share.

The guidelines for the DIY Round Robin are being sent in a separate post. It’s pretty much what we had agreed upon last month but simply put i some order. We can answer any questions on the 17th.  See you then.


Retreat 2025 Information

Sign-up for the 2025 Savannah Quilt Guild Retreat will begin on Saturday, April 13th at the guild meeting.  You must be present to register.  Attached is the Registration Form so you may fill it out ahead of time if you wish.  We will also have blank forms at the meeting.  The deposit will be $100 as usual and we will only accept deposits from the first 30 folks in line at the meeting. If more than 30 would like to attend we will accept their registration forms, number them in the order received, and add them to the waiting list.  Mailed-in forms will be opened and added immediately after the meeting.  Those on the waiting list will not pay any money until openings arise.   Please keep in mind that this past retreat we started with a waiting list of nine and as it turned out they all had the opportunity to go!! Lanette