December Appliqué Bee Reminder

We will be meeting Tuesday December 10 from 10 – 4.  Come all day and bring your lunch or drop in for a few hours.  Bring your ideas for next years workshops.  We are meeting in the Community room at Center Parc Credit Union 5698-A Ogeechee Rd Savannah.

Judy Lindsey


Quilt Kits for Project Linus

Just a reminder: if anyone took a Project Linus Quilt Kit in August, remember to turn it in by the December 14 meeting! I’m taking them home to Missouri to be quilted by my mother, who owns a long-arm machine.

(I also wanted to clarify that I can only accept quilt tops if the materials are provided by Project Linus. As a rule, Project Linus cannot accept tops or works-in-progress.)

Thank you, Savannah Quilt Guild, for all your support of Project Linus! See you at the next meeting!


Pillowcases! December 2024

Hello, All! We hope your Thanksgiving weekend was peaceful and relaxing. We are grateful for all of you who help to make the pillowcase project for Children’s Hospital such a great success. Without all the hard work, there would be fewer pillowcases to comfort children and families in the hospital.

The counting of pillowcases for the competition for the Yazzii project bag will end at the December guild meeting and the winner will be announced and the prize awarded at the January guild meeting. But we will still make pillowcases. We will meet at Lake Mayer on December 20th and 27th from 10-2. (Earlier dates were not available to us). Bring your machine to sew, snacks and water are provided. We have a lot of fun.

We will always accept child appropriate fabrics, solids or blenders and holiday fabrics. Financial donations can also be made at the front table at guild meetings. Thank you for all that you do. Your pillowcase team.

Mrs Wilkes sewcial

Hello All,

Please remember our Sewcial this Friday December 6 at Mrs Wilkes Dining room.  Please arrive no later than 10:45.  Dress warm as we will be waiting in line outside to be seated.  If you haven’t signed up, no problem, just shoot me a text to let me know you are coming.

Mrs Wilkes Dining Room

107 West Jones Street Savannah

Cindy Ochoa
