Pick Up Your Quilts!

Mary Bell and I have gathered all of the Quilts (and ribbons) (and critiques) from the fair! They are ready to pick anytime today, Thursday or Friday after 2 pm, or anytime Saturday.  See you soon!!!!

Weekend Warrior Saturday October 19, 2024 Meeting 1-5pm

The Weekend Warriors will meet this coming Saturday, October 19th at Talahi Community Center. We were able to get the room for an additional hour, so our get-together is now set from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. I am thrilled about this extra hour!

As a friendly reminder that usage of the community room requires each person attending to pay a $3.00 fee every time they participate. I will collect the fee upon arrival for it will be presented to the center the same day.

These sessions are designed so  you can bring any of your project(s) …. regardless whether you machine/hand sew, applique or  you knit/crochet or needlepoint. We will have cutting and ironing stations set up for you.

You only have to reach out to me to reserve a table so I can stage the room based on attendance for the day.

If you like to participate send me an email or text me (add your name to the text so I recognize you), or you can call me at:

Email: harrisrgm@yahoo.com

Mobile phone: 203-837-0322

Hope you can join and looking forward to sewing with you 🙂


Modern Quilt Guild

Please let me know if you will be at our meeting Wednesday at 20 am. Talahi Island !  Let’s all compare where we are at with our round robin and other projects.

Carol Richards


Class opportunity in Hilton Head

Comment or Message
Hello Savannah Quilt guild

We just wanted to let you know we at Palmetto Quilt Guild have a lecture on Thursday October 17 with Brenda Grampsas and Workshop on Miniature Quilt with broidery perse on Friday October. 18. We have a few openings and would love to have you.

As you know Brenda is a delight and I know we all learn a lot.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Donna Simmons
Program Chair
Palmetto Quilt Guild