For those of you participating in the weaving class in November, Hobby Lobby has a ribbon sale going on. Prices are between $0.49 – $0.99 depending on width.
Quilts for sale
Hello everyone. I was contacted by a member of the community who would like to sell her grandmothers’ quilts. She doesn’t have a price in mind and would like to know what they are worth. I have posted the photos in the Quilter’s Marketplace if you want to take a look.
Tiraxle workshop
Hello fellow quilters,
As it turns out I’m not interested in this workshop, Triaxle, being taught in November.
If you are, please buy my spot. I’m at 803.207.0345 or
Hope to hear from you and we can make each other happy. 😃 Thanks!
Jeanne Reinisch
Nominations Committee
I am looking for 3-4 volunteers to serve as the nominating committee for board positions for 2023. Please think about how you can help your quilt guild. Please see me before or after the meeting. The names need to be available for the September meeting of which I will be on my way to Maine. I’d appreciate any help you can provide. Laurel
Sulky Hoop
For our Sulky class we need an 8″ wooden hoop. I sent an email to those who signed up for the Friday class with the information. I would be happy to order the hoops for us. If we order six we will save shipping costs. The cost is $10.49@. I will be at the meeting this Saturday and will order them this weekend. I will be out of town Aug 15-31. So need to handle this now. Please let me know if you would like me to order you a sulky hoop and bring your $10.49 (cash or check) on Saturday.
Judy Walker cell 547-3166
September Sulky Class Opening
We have an opening for the Sulky Class on September 9th from 9am to 4pm. It will be held at the Southside Baptist Church. The cost is $76 which includes the $50 registration fee and $26 kit that Sulky will provide. Please respond immediately if you are interested. I will be out of town from August 15th to the 31st. I will be at our guild meeting on Saturday!
Judy W Walker cell 912 547 3166