Fraudulent email

Several folks have received an email supposedly from Sandra Ailio’s husband, Jukka, concerning Amazon. He is aware of the situation-please disregard if you are sent any such emails.
Theresa Sapp

Knit Designs for baby hats

I wanted to share these 2-color knit designs I occasionally add to the baby hats. Note that the original “heart” design is upside down as it came from a pattern used for socks. When using for a baby hat, turn it so you can read the handwritten details.

I have have a design for knitting “hugs and kisses” into a hat which I will upload separately (once I locate and translate from German to English).

Baby Hat Knit Pattern

baby hat with snow flake newborn

Hi All,

While at the quilt shop yesterday, I ran into Jan and we chatted about the baby hats I knit and patterns used. The attached pattern is a free internet pattern I found a while ago and would like to share.

I do, however, don’t follow the pattern when casting on my stitches and marking the beginning/end of the row. My mother taught me the following:

  1. Per pattern cast on 72 stitches
  2. Divide those stitches onto 4 needles: 20/20/20/12 (the last needle with the least stitches always signals the end of the row (easy for color changes as well)
  3. This also helps for counting the headband pattern of 2 knit, 2 pearl (start a needle with knit and end with pearl) – not need to constantly check your stitches
  4. I like to knit little patterns using different color yarn into the hats. Those patterns need to be divisible by 4 or 8, or 16 (since there is a total of 72 stitches) to finish a round nicely (I will bring some pattern to the next meeting)

Enjoy and happy knitting 🙂


Seeking Slot at October Workshop

Donna Vandable was contacted by a new member who is interested in attending Lanette Edens’ “Odds and Ends Part 2” after-meeting workshop on October 8th.  Please check your calendar; if you signed up but now find you’re unable to be there,  contact Donna at to get contact info on the interested party.  This will prevent you from losing the $20.00 sign-up fee.

Thanks.   Jan Smart

Sulky workshop

I will not be able to attend the upcoming Sulky workshop on September 9th. Please contact me at or 912-604-5281 if you would like to buy my spot. Thanks, Janie Brodhead

Sulky workshop

  1. I won’t be able to attend the upcoming Sulky workshop on Sept 9th. Please contact me at 912-604-5281 or janiebday@gmail if you would like to buy my spot. Thanks, Janie Brodhead