Unique find: a GraceHoop2 2005 made by The Grace Company.

I picked up this almost brand new 22 inch handquilter’s hoop at a silent auction recently for only $60. I bought it with the Guild members in mind.  I am not a hand quilter. I only want to pass it along for the amount I paid.  I did so with the thought that someone in the Guild who hand quilts would love to have such a wonderfully engineered quilt hoop.  I will attach info about it. It seems to have originally sold new for $300. See pics of it as I get them posted.  The pic is of one I found from an old Craig’s list ad. I have pics on my phone, but not yet uploaded.

I don’t think we want to use our website to sell things, I am only offering this a something I found, bought and thought someone would love to have it.


The Grace Company GraceHoop2 2005 info

One Response

  • I thought if several people want this, I will have a lottery and have someone draw the name/winner to make it fair.

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