Take-home Projects for Linus!

Hey guild members!

A lot of people have asked when the next Project Linus Sew Day will happen! Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to organize a large event right now. The next Sew Day will probably be in the spring.

However, I do have a lot of quilt kits prepared! I also have some fleece pieces prepped for a crochet border. I’m going to bring them to the August guild meeting, so if you’d like a take-home project, come grab one!

You can return the completed tops whenever they’re ready, but please try and get them back to me before December. Kindly consider a making small donation of $5-$10 per top to help cover the cost of quilting.

Thank you all for your support of Project Linus! I’m so grateful to know so many talented and generous crafters and quilters.



