Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting December 11, 2021

Hello All,
Don’t forget our last meeting of 2021! The Savannah Quilt Guild will be meeting at South Side Baptist Church, in the Fellowship Hall. Social time begins at 9:30 am and the meeting starts promptly at 10:00 am. This month is our Christmas luncheon. If you have not signed up for the luncheon, please pack a lunch and join us. We will be having Show-N-Tell, so bring your eye candy for us all to drool over!

There will be a box to collect your contribution to our December Community Outreach in support of The Way Station of Bryan County.

Items to bring:
Dry Dressing
Cake mix with a tub of frosting
Canned Green Beans
Peanut Butter
I am looking word to seeing you all
Cindy Ochoa