Savannah Quilt Guild April 10, 2021 Meeting

Please don’t forget us!  Our April 10 Guild meeting will be held at South Side Baptist Church, 5502 Skidaway Rd, Savannah, GA.  Social time 9:30 am to 10:00 am.  Our meeting will begin promptly at 10 am.  You won’t want to miss Batting: What’s Inside Inside Matters with Stephanie Hackney, Hobbs Batting Representative.   We will be ZOOMING this presentation.  The login information is below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 7448 4087
Passcode: 357175

The after meeting workshop will be Fabric Painting with Terry Duncan.

Much fun is store for us all, so don’t forget to join us!

Cindy Ochoa



One Response

  • Someone asked me how much I paid for the 72 pencil. They are $106.00 for 72. 24 set is $34


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