Saturday Meeting

Hi Everyone! This Saturday is our June meeting at Southside Baptist Church. There are a few important items to note:
1. The breezeway that we usually use to get to the back parking area, will be closed off this Saturday. Instead turn into the church lot at the first drive after turning off of DeRenne. Go left around to the back, past the playground, to our regular parking area.
2. We will be having our program first, starting at 1000 am. Author Marie Bostwick will be speaking to us. She will have copies of her newest book for sale if interested.
Marie’s talk has been advertised to the public, so we are hoping to have some additional guests join us.
3. After a break, we will have our meeting, followed by Show and Tell.
4. If you were at the last Circles Galore Monday class, don’t forget to bring your circles to share!
5. This Saturday is the last day to sign up for our July luncheon…$12. It’s all about food and games, so don’t miss out!