DIY Round Robin Quilt

DIY Round Robin Quilt 

The Modern Bee is going to be starting a DIY Round quilting project, but everyone is invited to join in. Here’s how it will work: 

  1. You will make this quilt by yourself. You’ll only be making one quilt. You will not be passing it to other people to add sections. 
  2. Each month we will announce the general design to be used in a guild web page post. The first month (this April) the design will be circles. Do anything you want but make sure there’s a circle someplace. The next month a new design approach will be announced. This will go on for five months.
  3. There are NO other design rules. So, you will decide on: 
  •  The size of your quilt, anywhere from a miniature to a king size; 
  • The color scheme; 
  • The general style and techniques, i.e. modern, traditional, applique, pieced, etc., etc.; 
  • The use or non-use of any embellishments. 

Our goal is to have these quilts finished by January 2025, but pacing is also an individual decision. 

Comments: This approach will undoubtedly lead many to construct medallion quilts, but this is not necessary. Some may make ladder-like quilts. Others may have the various sections in a randomly pieced order.