Midwife Group on Chatham Parkway needs Masks

I work at the Midwife Group on Chatham Parkway in Savannah, a freestanding birt center. We are having trouble getting face masks for ourselves and our patients. Any amount of cloth masks to distribute to our patients and partners would be welcome. I plan to sew some myself the next day off I get.

Sherry Hartenbower



Filter for masks

For  a filter for the masks I am making I am using the inner lining inside my vacuum bag. Once sewn into the mask it can gently be hand washed but not ironed nor put into dryer…I learn the iron will melt it. This lining keeps out dust and allergens. A Hepa filter fabric would be the best but I don’t have any.  Ann Welch

Summit West Care Nurses are Covered!

Click here to view

It warms your heart to see how appreciative nurses are to get the masks.  Our daughter, Shelley, lives in Grand Junction, CO and is an RN with 24 nurses that report to her.  They are taking care of Covid-19 patients at the patient’s home and had little supplies.  These masks help them save the few n95 masks for the identified virus patients and use the fabric masks for other visits, such as wound care.  They can also use the fabric masks over the n95 masks to extend the life of the mask.

A special thanks go to Judy King, Gloria Bailey and Judy Saucerman for being part of this effort and sewing these masks.  You are sewing warriors!


New face mask requests

I have received information about two local organizations requesting face masks…. Please respond to this message if you are able to help.

From Judy S.-Hospice of Savannah would like to be able to give each of their (93) home care nurses at least 10 masks a piece.  The masks may be dropped at the rear entrance where a staff member is taking temps. If no one is there, knock on the back door.  Call Melissa Gayle @ (mobile) (912)314-1192 or (office) (912)629-1074 for more information.

From Julie D.-Magnolia Manor (retirement/assisted living) in Richmond Hill needs 30 masks ASAP.  They can be dropped or Julie can pick them up.

I am sure there are other local needs in the Savannah area. If you know of any, please post them here on our website.

BTW-Judy had a tip for making ear loops…cut up old socks or tights to obtain stretchy circles.

Mask needs near and far

Judy S. sent me the information.
The website has two links-one showing how to make a face mask and the other a link to health agencies requesting masks. There is a drop down menu to search for individual states. As always, it is a good idea to make contact before sending masks.
