Grand Opening of the Quilter’s Marketplace

This is what we have been waiting for!  Who doesn’t like to see what others are selling.  Maybe there will be something that you MUST have.

Hover or click on the down arrow and you will see an Ads page, Add page and a Manage page.  Limit pictures to 3 and it is best if they are jpg or gif.   Visit ads on the Ads page, create a new ad on the Add page or edit or delete your ad on the Manage page.  Ads will expire in 45 days or can be deleted early.

Come see what JoAnn Rusden is selling.  She has created our first ad.

Login and the visit the Quilter’s Marketplace.

Here is a sneak peak!

FYI – Posting an Ad will not trigger an email to quilters.  You will need to visit the website to view the ads.

Take care friends!



Savannah Quilt Guild May 2020 Meeting


We are certainly living in unusual times.  During this time of social distancing, it is very important we stay connected.  Different times require different methods and ideas.  With that in mind, your guild leadership has elected to try a new way to communicate with all of you.

We will be using ZOOM for our May 2020 meeting.  Be patient with us as we are in a learning phase with this new technology.

You will need to download the Zoom app on your computer or phone.  Your computer or phone must-have video and mic capability.

Friday, May 8  from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm there will be a Test Meeting to work out any problems you might have logging in.

Meeting ID:  826 4687 6264

Meeting Password:  test

You will need to register for this meeting.

Saturday, May 9 the Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting will be held from10:00 am to 12:30 pm.  The meeting will open at 9:30 am to facilitate all participants having time to log in.

Meeting ID: 832 2778 3621

Password: SQG

You will need to register for this meeting.

Call me if you have a question.

Cindy Ochoa






Sad news from JoAnn Rusden

Laura Brown passed away Saturday, April 18th.  She had been sick for about a week with possible pancreatitis. It appears that she passed away peacefully in her sleep, however they are having an autopsy done for clarification.

Click here for the obituary.  It will be updated in time.