Photo To Fabric Challenge Quilt-my process

I was sharing with the Sewing Bee Zoom group the process that I used to make a pattern for my quilt and they suggested I share it with everyone else. This is just one of many ways that you can approach this challenge but it seems to be working for me.

Step One: Using a light box I traced my picture (using a mechanical pencil gave me fairly precise lines) on a sheet of copy paper.

Step Two: I then enlarged the drawing on my printer so that it was roughly the size of the 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper in the machine.

Step Three: I took the enlargement to Staples and asked them to enlarge it to 30 x 38 (or close to that…the difference can be made up by borders). I got two copies for around $8.

Step Four: (I am using applique for my project and needed to make sure that the image was reversed. If that doesn’t matter for your project you can skip this step.). On the back of one of the copies, trace the shapes needed for your project. Label the shapes and trace them onto freezer paper, labeling the freezer paper pattern pieces accordingly.

Step Five:  Cut out the freezer paper templates on the drawn lines. Iron onto the back of your fabric and cut out with a seam allowance all around for turning. Iron the edges (seam allowance), clipping curves as needed.

Step Six: Applique to your background fabric Using your enlargement as a guide.

If you are using a different technique that you think might benefit others in the group, please share on Message Board here on the website. I hope this is helpful🙂.


Savannah Quilt Guild June 2020

Hello Everyone,

We will be Zooming our June meeting.  There is a meeting filled with lots of quilty information and Terry Duncan has a wonderful program planned for us.  Meeting times are 10 am to 12 pm.  I will open the meeting at 9:30 am for those who need help or just want to chat prior to the meeting.

The login information is below.  No need to register this month.

Meeting ID: 854 3213 7210

Password: quiltguild

Questions call me.

Cindy Ochoa


Zoom class with Jean Wells

Jean Wells, one of my favorite professional quilters & the owner of The Stitchin Post quilt shop out West is offering several Zoom classes on different subjects.  The next one is June 11th.  Go to The Stitchin Post website to purchase the class for $15.00 and they will send you the sign-in code for the Zoom class later.

I can’t wait!

Pat Ashton

Quilts by Ronnie Durrence

Some of you may have known Ronnie Durrence, a quilter, in Savannah who died in 1998.  I was told about him a while ago and was surprised when a neighbor called and asked if I would like to see some of the quilts that he had made for her family.  Two were wedding gifts for her children and two were ones that they purchased from him.  His mom was a quilter and he developed a love of quilting.  These quilts are hand quilted and I took close ups of the backs so that you can (hopefully) see it.


Fabric, books, notions, etc… for sale

Laura Brown’s daughter, Kacie Campbell, has asked me to share the following information with our guild members.

Laura was a member of our guild for many years and a very talented quilter. Her daughter is selling the items in Laura’s sewing studio—-lots of fabric, tools, books, notions, etc….  Kacie does not have set prices but is trusting that buyers will make reasonable offers (while still paying less than they would normally pay) in an attempt to pay down debts and find good homes for the items.

You can contact Kacie at 678-491-1769 to set up a time to take a look at the sewing/quilting items.