Savannah Quilt Guild April 10, 2021 Meeting

Please don’t forget us!  Our April 10 Guild meeting will be held at South Side Baptist Church, 5502 Skidaway Rd, Savannah, GA.  Social time 9:30 am to 10:00 am.  Our meeting will begin promptly at 10 am.  You won’t want to miss Batting: What’s Inside Inside Matters with Stephanie Hackney, Hobbs Batting Representative.   We will be ZOOMING this presentation.  The login information is below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 7448 4087
Passcode: 357175

The after meeting workshop will be Fabric Painting with Terry Duncan.

Much fun is store for us all, so don’t forget to join us!

Cindy Ochoa



10 April 2021 Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting

Hello All,

I want to remind you about our Guild Meeting on 10 April 2021 at South Side Baptist Church.  Social time begins at 9:30 am with the meeting prompting starting at 10:00 am.  Please bring your name tag, show and tell as well as your mask as we will continue to social distance.  We will be having a Zoom presentation from Stephanie Hackney, Hobbs Representative.  You won’t want to miss it.  For our zoomers the login information is below.

See you Saturday.

Cindy Ochoa


cynthia ochoa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: April Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting
Time: Apr 10, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 7448 4087
Passcode: 357175






















Thank you for the recent donate of pillowcases. Paula Lacoe dropped off 122 pillowcases last week to Memorial Hospital, which will be used in the the new wing of the children’s hospital.

Kits will be available at the April meeting if anyone is interested taking a few home to see.