Seeking Slot at October Workshop

Donna Vandable was contacted by a new member who is interested in attending Lanette Edens’ “Odds and Ends Part 2” after-meeting workshop on October 8th.  Please check your calendar; if you signed up but now find you’re unable to be there,  contact Donna at to get contact info on the interested party.  This will prevent you from losing the $20.00 sign-up fee.

Thanks.   Jan Smart

Sulky workshop

I will not be able to attend the upcoming Sulky workshop on September 9th. Please contact me at or 912-604-5281 if you would like to buy my spot. Thanks, Janie Brodhead

Sulky workshop

  1. I won’t be able to attend the upcoming Sulky workshop on Sept 9th. Please contact me at 912-604-5281 or janiebday@gmail if you would like to buy my spot. Thanks, Janie Brodhead

Weaving Class

For those of you participating in the weaving class in November, Hobby Lobby has a ribbon sale going on. Prices are between $0.49 – $0.99 depending on width.

Quilts for sale

Hello everyone.  I was contacted by a member of the community who would like to sell her grandmothers’ quilts.  She doesn’t have a price in mind and would like to know what they are worth. I have posted the photos in the Quilter’s Marketplace if you want to take a look.

Tiraxle workshop

Hello fellow quilters,

As it turns out I’m not interested in this workshop, Triaxle, being taught in November.

If you are, please buy my spot.  I’m at 803.207.0345 or

Hope to hear from you and we can make each other happy. 😃  Thanks!

Jeanne Reinisch