Machine Appliqué Bee

The Machine Appliqué Bee will meet Tuesday August 8 at the Garden City Library 104 Sunshine Rd from 1:00 to 4:00.  There will be a workshop on fusible raw edge machine appliqué.  You do not have to take the workshop to attend.  Bring a project and help mentor those new to appliqué.

Supply List

  • Sewing machine, power cord, foot pedal and manual
  • extension cord
  • matching thread and bobbin
  • pencil
  • small paper scissors
  • piece of fabric to test stitches
  • 6 inch square background fabric
  • 4 inch square appliqué fabric
  • 4 inch piece of fusible web (or use one of my samples)

I will provide an iron, appliqué pressing sheet and a light box.  I will have samples of 8 different fusible web products.

Judy Lindsey 352-263-6865

Yard Sale last minute reminders

The Yard Sale is less than 2 weeks away! If you are selling items and making your Master List, feel free to continue listing on the back of the sheet.
When you drop off your sale goods on the 11th you can arrange your sales area/table at that time. This way you will know exactly where your things are and it will be easier to collect your unsold items at the conclusion of the sale. You are not required to mark down your items  during the last 1/2 hour but that is an option.

Feel free to bring a crafty friend or two or three! This should be lots of fun and a great way to change out your Sewing Room inventory!

If you have any questions call me. (912-656-3605)

Theresa Sapp

August Meeting Time Change

After the July meeting there were some concerns regarding Show & Tell vs enough time to yard sale shop. So, in order to ensure that we have enough time for everything, the August meeting will start at 9:30 with Check-in beginning at 9:15. The Yard-Sale will be extended past noon if we need to. So there should be no need for us to rush through the morning. We’ll have a brief meeting first, followed by Show and Tell, then we start the yard sale. See you at the Sale!  Kim

Quilting Volunteers Needed for Project Linus

Thank you all for your continued support of Project Linus! I’m looking forward to seeing the finished blocks and quilt tops for those of you who took one home at the July meeting!

Project Linus is in need of volunteers to help with finishing these quilt tops. We can provide supplies such as batting and backing fabric, but we need volunteers to put them together. They can be completed on a traditional sewing machine, or a professional long-arm.

If anyone is interested in helping out, send me an e-mail:

And if you know of any professional long-arm quilters, I’d love to get in touch with them too! Woven Key Quilts has generously volunteered to complete some tops for Project Linus, but we have many more quilt tops than she can handle. Project Linus can reimburse professional quilters for supplies, but not for the labor. Send some contact information my way!


Thanks again for your support!


Ellie Grix