Trip to Augusta Sewing Center

I will be going to Augusta Sewing Center next week to pick up my sewing machine.  If you have one that needs to be serviced, please contact me and I will be happy to drop it off.  Call or text deb brown: 912.328.7731.



NICU Hearts for Memorial

Guild Members: if you have any scrap batting or leftover blocks from a project, consider making a few NICU Hearts for Memorial Health! Project Linus and Memorial Heath collaborate with “Blanketeers” to provide little hearts for the babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

The hearts are given to parents who have a child in the NICU. The parent wears the heart in their clothes, and when they leave the hospital, the hearts are placed in the baby’s isolette. The scent of the parent on the heart helps keep the baby calm when mama is away.

The hearts can be quilted or crocheted (see pictures below), about 4″ – 6″ wide, and should be made of clean, non-abrasive materials, free of animal fibers or allergens. (Here’s a good crochet pattern: Put your completed hearts in a clean plastic bag, and you can bring them to me at the monthly guild meetings! Alternately, feel free to drop them off as you would a blanket donation at one of our businesses (Joann’s, Sew Much More, Savannah Sews, Blue Heron Stitchery).

Thanks for your generosity!

Ellie Grix
Coordinator, Project Linus of Savannah and Hilton Head


Appliqué Bee

The first meeting of the Appliqué Bee will be Tuesday June 27 12:30 – 4:00 at the Garden City Library Meeting Room 104 Sunshine Ave.  This is just off of Dean Forest Rd.

Bring some of your appliqué for show and tell.  We will discuss appliqué methods and determine future demos and workshops.  Bring a hand work project to sit and sew during and after discussions.  Please no machines at this meeting.

No food or drink in the meeting room.

This will be a reoccurring  Bee on the 4th Tuesday of each month so mark your calendars in advance.

Hope to see you there,

Judy Lindsey
