Scrappy Applique Class – March 8

Registration is now open for the Scrappy Applique Class on Friday March 8 from 10am to 3pm.  Please note the location will be at the First Christian Church at 711 E. Victory Drive, Savannah.  Parking is accessed from the lane behind the Fellowship Building.  We recommend that you arrive at 9:30 to have time to set up your workstation.

Katie is bringing patterns with her.  They include the Wild Animal collection (bear, lion, giraffe and deer), Science and Fiction (kraken/octopus, dinosaur, phases of the moon and robot), US Skylines (Seattle, NYC, St. Louis, San Francisco and Austin), World Skylines (Paris, Cairo, London and Sydney) and Canadian Skylines (Toronto, Ottawa , Calgary and Vancouver). All these will be available for purchase.  Or you can go online (  If you purchase on line be sure to download and print your pattern.

I have the class supply list for those who did not pick one up on Saturday. There are spaces available!  You can register by dropping a check for the $75 nonrefundable registration fee to Jan Howard, PO Box 31051, Savanah 31410, Venmo or Zelle. We will continue registering at our February Guild Meeting.

If you have any questions, give me a call at 912 547 3166 or email at

Judy W Walker and Mary Bell Fuller

Pillowcase cutting bee

Hi, all. Frances and I are hoping you can stay after the guild meeting on Saturday to help cut fabrics for the pillow case project to benefit Children’s Hospital. We will be cutting 27″ by width of fabric.

You will need your large cutting mat, rotary cutter, and ruler or other measuring tool. We will bring fabric.

We will spend 1 to 1 1/2 hours max. Thanks. See you on Saturday, Debbie Whiteway and Frances Stockton

Modern Bee Meeting

The Modern Bee will be meeting again on the third Wednesday afternoon of the month. Our next meeting will be 1-4 pm, Wednesday, January 17 at the Talahi Island Community Center (532 Quarterman Dr.). Everyone interested in modern quilting is welcome.
We’ll be having a workshop exploring a simple technique used in designing modern quilts. It involves starting with stitched paper models (called maquettes). This technique is based on the work of David Owen Hastings (check out his website).
The following supplies are needed for the workshop:
• A sewing machine (with a bright thread for the paper model and thread to match your fabric);
• A ruler, a rotary cutter, a scissors for cutting paper;
• A brown paper bag, and a few sheets of white paper and a little construction paper if you happen to have some handy.
• Fabric of your choice to make a small quilt based upon your paper model.

We can answer any questions you might have at the guild meeting this Saturday.

January Meeting

This is a quick reminder about Saturday’s meeting. At the meeting we begin our sign-up for the Scrappy Applique Class on Friday, March 8th. If you haven’t done so, check out Katie Lewis’ or Shannon Brinkley’s websites. Cost of the full cay class is $75. We also will begin signing up for a workshop held after February’s meeting, taught by Lanette Edens. The cost for this is $20. Details for both the March 8 class and February workshop will be presented at the meeting.  And last, but not least, don’t forget your annual dues of $30 are due by the end of the month. See you Saturday! Kim

Members! Posting issues have been fixed.

Keeping fingers crossed!  Posts that were created had issues sending to everyone.   I think that we are good to go and have tested the sending with good results.  The posts that did not go to everyone will be resent to all of you if this test post goes out without problems.

I appreciate your patience and hope that this did not cause you any issues!


Looking for interest in hosting Katie Lewis

Katie Lewis is our instructor for our March class in Scrappy Applique. She is driving in from Columbia, SC on Thursday, March 7, teaching the class on Friday and then presenting a program on Saturday, the 9th before driving home.  She is open to stay with a guild member in a smoke-free home with a private bathroom.  If you are interested please give me a call this weekend (Jan 5-7).  If not we will arrange a hotel stay for her.

A heads up in March we will meet at the First Christian Church, 711 E Victory Drive for both the class and our Saturday meeting.  We met there last year and had a wonderful time.  Thank you to Ruth Rodriquez and her husband, Rev.Tom Rodriquez, for making the fellowship hall available to us.

Registration for Katie’s class will begin next Saturday (Jan. 13) at our guild meeting.  Registration fee is $75 (non-refundable).  Class size is set at 20.  Join Mary Bell and me as we explore happy scrapping.  Judy Walker