Hello, lovely quilters! The wonderful staff at Lake Mayer has made the event room available to us for four Fridays in August. We will be able to cut fabric, make up kits, sew pillowcases, beads of courage bags or whatever you choose. The dates are Aug 2, 9, 23, and 30 from 10:00 til 2:00. Bring your cutting tools and mat, your machine and your lunch. Water and snacks are supplied. And, remember, we always have an endless need for more fabric as you have made 946 pillowcases since January!!! Hope to see you there. Debbie and Frances
Pillowcases, Lake Mayer July 2025
Hi, happy quilters! I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Due to special events, our dates at Lake Mayer are on Thursdays: July 11, and July 25. Both are 9-11 a.m. (also earlier and shorter times). Hope you can be there. We made lots of new kits with some new and donated fabrics. Pick one up at the guild meeting. Thank you, Debbie and Frances
Pillowcases at Lake Mayer June 2024
Hi, All. We are able to use the building at Lake Mayer on June 7th and the 28th for sewing pillowcases. We have cut all the fabric that was donated by guild members, Starlandia, and some that we were able to buy. We have kits ready for the meeting, but have no more fabric to cut. If you have any fabric you would be able to donate, we are in dire need in order to keep going. There have been many donations and many pillowcases made and we are so grateful. Happy sewing. Debbie
Cancellation for Lake Mayer, May 17
Unfortunately we are unable to use the building at Lake Mayer this Friday, the 17th. So we need to cancel our pillowcase sewing. We hope to see you next Friday, the 24th. I hope this doesn’t inconvenience anyone. Debbie
Pillowcase project, May 2024
There was a lot of amazing work on pillowcases during April. We will meet at Lake Mayer to cut fabric to make up kits, or to sew pillowcases on the Fridays of May 17, 24, and 31st. The time is 10:00 to 2:00 so you can bring a lunch. Also, bring your machine if you are sewing.
We are always in need of fabric suitable for pillowcases (no glitter, please). If you have any to donate, please bring it to the guild meeting on May 11.
Also, if anyone is willing to help with washing, ironing, tagging and packing pillowcases, please let Frances or Debbie know at the meeting.
Thank you for all that you are doing for the children at Children’s Hospital
April dates for Lake Mayer pillowcase project
Frances will be at Lake Mayer on April 5 and April 26 from 10 to 2 to cut fabric, make up kits and sew pillowcases. Bring your machine, mat and cutting supplies and join the fun! Happy sewing.