Fraudulent email….

Hello everyone,

It has come to my attention that an email was sent to some of our guild members, supposedly by me, requesting gift vouchers for veterans. I DID NOT SEND THIS! It is definitely a scam!!
Please delete.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you are well.

Theresa Sapp

December Guild Meeting

Seasons Greetings!

Our December Guild Meeting will be next Saturday, the 12th, at the Talahi Island Community Center. Sign in begins at 9:30 and the meeting at 10:00. 2021 Officers will be installed, pillowcases will be collected and Show and Tell will follow. We will then gather at Rio Bravo for our holiday lunch. An evite will be sent. (Please indicate if you will be attending the meeting and the lunch or the meeting only.)
Here is the zoom information for those who will be attending virtually.

Topic: SQG December Meeting
Time: Dec 12, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 2576 5017
Passcode: Quilter

November Guild Meeting

Hello everyone!

Our November Meeting will be held at Southside Baptist Church again this month. (November 14, 9:30-12:00). An evite will be sent to determine the number of ladies planning on attending. We will also be offering the option to attend via Zoom.  The link with meeting number and password is below.

Renee Christensen will be presenting an informative program on using EQ8.

Don’t forget your Show and Tell and your Mondo Bags (for those who participated in the October workshop). We will have the Take It Table set up.  Payments for the Nancy Mahoney Class scheduled for February 12, 2021 will be collected as well as retreat payments and dues for 2021.


 Zoom meeting information.
Topic: November Quilt Guild Meeting
Time: Nov 14, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 6057 0041
Passcode: quilter

October Guild Meeting this Saturday

Great News!!!! We will have our October Guild Meeting in person again this month at Southside Baptist Church (in the Community Outreach Center). Sign in will begin at 9:30 and the meeting will begin at 10:00. Masks will be required.   An evite will be sent so that the room will be set up with safety in mind.       Our program will be a trunk show presented by Jan Smart. Also, registration will begin for our February workshop with Nancy Mahoney.  (See the newsletter for more information.)                                       Any items brought for the Take It Table will need to be collected if they were not taken.
If you will be zooming with us, here is what you need to know…… Mary Bass will be coordinating this aspect of our meeting. Please contact her if you have difficulty logging on.
Topic: SQG October Guild Meeting
Time: Oct 10, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 7811 8683
Passcode: quilter
The Mondo Bag Workshop will begin at 1:00 at the Talahi Island Community Center. Zoom participants will be sent log in information in an email from Renee.