Frog Tape and Retreat info

I knew that would get your attention!🙂. If you are taking the Barn Quilt workshop this Friday and haven’t gotten your Frog Tape, Sherwin Williams carries the size you need and it is on sale!!! ($5.99)

The registration form for the 2024 Retreat will be posted Thursday morning.  Sign up begins at the meeting this Saturday. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can mail your form and deposit to Lanette.  She will be noting the postal stamp date. Do not make any other payments (Venmo, etc…) prior to the Saturday meeting day.


If you did not receive the newsletter

Hello everyone! If you did not receive the newsletter yesterday please check your spam and trash folders. For some reason, my newsletter email ended up in my trash folder and another member found hers in her spam folder. Maybe the internet is playing an early April Fools joke….🙂.

Also, don’t forget about our Block of the Month for April. You still have time to make the cute bunny block for the April drawing. The pattern can be found on the website.

Theresa Sapp

Joyce Langley

Our dear, talented, one of a kind friend Joyce Langley passed away peacefully this morning. Joyce was a long time member of the guild as well as a past President. She will be greatly missed! Please keep her husband, Fred, and her family in your thoughts and prayers. We will post here when final arrangements are known.

Great meeting today!!

First, I would like to thank the many ladies who helped with the tables and chairs after our meeting. Y’all were amazing! Also, food was yummy and the Presidents Challenge and Show and Tell quilts were wonderful!

Second, someone left their water bottle (Propel). Let me know if it is yours.

And last, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year to you all! See you in January!!

Theresa Sapp


Saturdays Meeting Location

Hello everyone! Our meeting (tomorrow) will be in the Community Outreach Center at Southside Baptist Church. This is the building to the right of the covered walkway. Mary Bass will be presenting our program, Color In Quilts. We will also be electing our new officers for 2023. Don’t forget to wear your name tag and bring your show and tell.

If you are staying for the afternoon workshop with Mary, Triaxial Weaving, bring your lunch and workshop supplies.

Hope to see you all there!  Theresa Sapp