Photo Directory update

The member photo listing has been updated including all new members thru the August meeting. I am working on getting the missing photos. If your photo is missing, please feel free to send me (Donna Vandable) a “head selfie” via text at 912.713.0339 or email at Also, please notify me of any discrepancies found.

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Bring a shopping tote bag (or two or three) to the Guild Meeting tomorrow morning and get ready to freshen up your stash! The tables are filled to overflowing with all sorts of goodies……notions, fabric, books, sewing machines and much, much more.

Just a reminder that sign-in is at 9:15 and the meeting begins at 9:30. The Yard Sale will begin after the meeting and Show and Tell. I know it will be tempting to start shopping immediately but please wait until Kim makes the announcement to Shop Til You Drop😄.
See y’all tomorrow!!

Theresa Sapp

Yard Sale last minute reminders

The Yard Sale is less than 2 weeks away! If you are selling items and making your Master List, feel free to continue listing on the back of the sheet.
When you drop off your sale goods on the 11th you can arrange your sales area/table at that time. This way you will know exactly where your things are and it will be easier to collect your unsold items at the conclusion of the sale. You are not required to mark down your items  during the last 1/2 hour but that is an option.

Feel free to bring a crafty friend or two or three! This should be lots of fun and a great way to change out your Sewing Room inventory!

If you have any questions call me. (912-656-3605)

Theresa Sapp

Retreat Registration Form

If you haven’t already checked, the registration form was been posted (in the wee hours of this morning🙂). The link above will also take you to the form. If you are unable to attend the meeting this Saturday you can mail the form and deposit to Lanette Edens. Her mailing address is on the form. Do not make any electronic payments prior to Saturday please.