Additions to Website

Good morning everyone! May Show and Tell photos have been added to the Picture Gallery. The minutes from the May meeting are also available on the Guild Documents page.
See you all next month!

Theresa Sapp

Website Updates

Hello everyone! What great turnout for our meeting last Saturday! There was a lot of information covered and I wanted to let you know that the minutes are available on the Guild Documents page in case you missed something.

Also, Show and Tell photos are posted on the Picture Gallery. If your quilt is not pictured bring it to the next meeting for a reshoot or send a pic to me at

have a wonderful week!   Theresa Sapp


SQG Facebook page

If you are not a member of our “private” Facebook page and would like to be, send me an email and I will add you to the group. This a great resource for sharing pics of your quilts, asking questions and sharing information related to quilting!             Theresa Sapp

Palmetto Quilt Show info

This message is from Donna Simmons of the Palmetto Quilt Guild……..

The Palmetto Quilt Festival is just around the corner. March 22 – 24, 2024. Hours are 10a-5p Friday and Sat. And 10a-1p on Sunday. Once again, we will be in the ballroom at Hilton Head Beach and Tennis Resort, Folly Field, Hilton Head Island.

Breaking News: This year we are offering in addition to Displayed and Judged QUILTS, Vendors, Market Place, Silent Auction and fellowship with other quilters, we are offering an AQS Certified Quilt Appraiser, Brenda Grampsas!!!

Many of you, like myself have quilts of higher value. Did you know that in case of a disaster and your quilt is destroyed you would only be reimbursed by your insurance company the value of a blanket? Or if you are thinking of selling that lovely quilt, what is the fair market value?
That is just a couple of reasons to have your quilt(s) appraised.

So as a service to our quilting Community we have added Quilt Appraisal to our Festival for the first time.

The cost of a written appraisal from Brenda is $65 which is payable to Brenda by check or cash. She also offers a verbal appraisal for the cost of $20. Brenda will appraise both New and Vintage Quilts. To find out more about Brenda you can visit her website at

How to go about having a quilt appraised at our Festival:

You can fill out the form below and send it directly to Brenda and she will set up an appointment time. Walk-in appointments are also available. Note: she will only be at our Festival on Friday (3/22) and Saturday (3/23).