Work on Website

Hi, Ladies,

The website pictures will be missing for a while as we redo the photo galleries on several pages.  Show and Tell pictures are missing too.  Please be patient with us while we adjust the size of pictures to include in the library.


Corrected Saturday meeting info

Hello everyone! Our April Guild meeting is this Saturday. We will be meeting at Southside Baptist Church (5502 Skidaway Road) in the Fellowship Hall. You can park behind the building and enter through the back door as in the past. The door under the breezeway will also be unlocked and may offer easier access for some. Just make sure you check in with Donna Vandable at the Membership table.

Brenda Dyer, owner of Savannah Sews in Pooler, will be our guest speaker. Feel free to bring your latest project for Show and Tell. If you participated in the March workshop be sure to bring your Ombré Table Runner. And last, but not least, wear your name tag.  Can’t wait to see you Saturday!

My Quilting Journey – Journal Page

Hi all you wonderful quilters!  Today’s meeting was just terrific.   Kim’s presentation on The Lace of Italy was so interesting.  Thanks, Kim, for taking us on the tour of Italy!

The journal that I showed today is currently out of stock, but can be located here.

I purchased it on Amazon after the February meeting and Kristy Furr’s talk on journaliy ng.  It is a popular brand so it hopefully will be back in stock soon.  It is called, “

This is the page for the journals that I use.  It prints two on a sheet and you can cut or just fold it in half to slide into the clear pockets.  It is a pdf so you can print it but not customize it.  I made it in MS Publisher.  If you want a copy to edit in Publisher,  please email me at

My Quilting Journey – Journal Page

Thanks, Kristy, for the inspiration!

Renee Christensen

I let the ball drop


As the Sunshine Coordinator, it looks like I let the ball drop.  I noticed that the March Newsletter did not mention the passing of a valued member of our Guild.  Sandra Ailio passed on February 20th.  Sandra worked very hard for our guild to succeed.  She held many positions in our Guild, currently serving as Special Events Coordinator, and was a past Vice President.   She poured dedication and enthusiasm into every project she undertook.  We all loved Sandra and her passing will leave a huge void not only in our guild but in our hearts as well.

Cindy Ochoa