EQ8 Recorded Powerpoint and New Demo Video – November Program

Hi, Quilters!

The Saturday issues have been corrected by changing a few settings in the format of the zoom meeting.  What a relief to have the zoom working as it should.  I’m just so sorry that it wasn’t the smooth program that I had hoped for.

The Powerpoint Presentation is now recorded as a video with voice so if you did not get to see it you can click here to get to the SQG Program page on our website.  Also under the November Program is a video demo of how you can change a block to spice up a quilt in EQ8.

Here is the opening video that I showed – EQ8 Quilt Design Software Promo.

Here is another video that is fun, Drawing EasyDraw pieced blocks in EQ8.

If you are interested in attending the Nancy Mahoney workshop on EQ8 after the February 13th meeting, please let me know.  It isn’t often that you get a teacher that comes to you that can teach EQ8.

Happy Turkey Day to all you lovely quilters!

Renee Christensen


EQ8 Program on Monday Zoom

Hi Ladies,

Today was a challenging day for our technology skills and I’m sorry that the Zoomer’s were not able to see the EQ8 program.  I’ve talked with Mary and we decided that I will do the program again during the Zoom meeting on Monday.  This seems to be a better choice than just posting the Powerpoint file on the website as it has no voice component.  I will demonstrate the EQ8 software by opening saved projects and showing you how the quilts can be created and manipulated.

Please join the Monday Zoom at 11:00 am:


Meeting ID: 758 789 9293
Passcode: mondayzoom

If you are not able to attend I will record the session and share the link after the Zoom.

Also, there was a question about running EQ8 on a tablet.  EQ8 states:

For customers interested in using EQ8 on tablets, please be aware that EQ8 will work on tablets that run Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

Here are the Minimum System Requirements:

EQ8 will not run on Chromebooks or any devices running Android or iOS. EQ8 requires Windows or Mac operating systems, as listed below.

  • Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1;
  • macOS Catalina (10.15), Mojave (10.14), High Sierra (10.13), Sierra (10.12), El Capitan (10.11), Yosemite (10.10);

Support for macOS Big Sur and M1 Chip

If you want to run EQ8 on BOTH platforms, you must purchase the EQ8 Migration Kit to get the installation files for the second platform.

Internet Access Required

Internet access required for downloading, activating, periodic validation and accessing the support materials. You can be disconnected from the internet for general use of the software.


Unlimited installations. Two (2) computers may be simultaneously active. Activations can be easily transferred between computers. Read more about activations on our Support Site.

Space Requirements

850 MB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation.


Screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 or greater. (A Minimum of 1024 x 768 is required.)

SQG August 2020 Newsletter

Good morning ladies!  Here is your monthly newsletter for August.  Check out the info for the 2021 retreat at St. Christopher’s on page 8.  It tells you how to register for the retreat now.

Also, there is a detailed listing of workshops coming up.  Who knows, we may be zooming a workshop if we can’t meet in person!

Click here for your copy to download or print:  SQG August 2020 Newsletter