Meditative, Relaxing Slow Stitch on scraps September 14

September 14 workshop
Come learn meditative, relaxing slow stitch on scraps.
We will practice several slow stitches and compare with Sashiko
a. 2-3 embroidery needles
b. thimbles
c. embroidery thread (there will be extra thread in several colors available)
d. Stash of scraps fabric cut to various sizes  (there will be assembled scrap samplers for you to practice the slow stitch)
e. Sashing strips of neutral fabric cut to size
f. Sewing machine, thread, scissors, ruler, …?
YouTube DIY Easy Patchwork Scarf

Example Scrap sizes 4 1/2 x 4 1/2in and 3 1/2 x 4in
Sashing strips of neutral fabric 1 5/8 inch x 6 1/8 inch
…. see attached instructions for complete cutting instructions.


editative, relaxing slow stitch on scraps

Come learn meditative, relaxing slow stitch on scraps.
We will practice several slow stitches and compare with Sashiko
a. 2-3 embroidery needles
b. thimbles
c. embroidery thread (there will be extra thread in several colors available)
d. Stash of scraps fabric cut to various sizes  (there will be assembled scrap samplers for you to practice the slow stitch)
e. Sashing strips of neutral fabric cut to size
f. Sewing machine, thread, scissors, ruler, …?
YouTube DIY Easy Patchwork Scarf

Example Scrap sizes 4 1/2 x 4 1/2in and 3 1/2 x 4in
Sashing strips of neutral fabric 1 5/8 inch x 6 1/8 inch
…. see attached instructions for complete cutting instructions.

SAGA chapter Smocking Arts Guild of America

If you are interested in a non-profit organization for smocking, heirloom sewing and embroidery check out the Savannah chapter


They meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30pm in the Riley building on the campus of St. Joseph’s Hospital 11705 Mercy Boulevard Savannah GA

Charities that need your sewing!

Days For Girls

One of my very favorite charities, Days For Girls creates menstrual kits for girls in developing nations.  Composed of a reusable cloth pad, a small hotel-sized bar of soap, and a plastic baggies, these kits allow girls to wash their own menstrual supplies with minimal water—an essential step to returning to school rather than missing those days each month during their cycle.

Patterns for the reusable pads are provided, and a list of needs is on their site.  Days For Gils also accepts donations.


Capes For Kids

This organization provides smiles for children living in shelters or temporary housing.  These kids often leave many or most of their possessions behind, and have few toys to lessen the anxiety and fear that come from uncertain housing.  Capes For Kids gives us a chance to use small amounts of fabric to provide a little joy and a moment of safety.


Pretty Pockets

Women recovering from surgery related to breast cancer often need to wear drains for days or weeks as their bodies heal.  Pretty Pockets provides a soft, joyful solution to protect delicate skin and bring a little bright spot to a challenging health event.


Dress A Girl Around The World

Women and girls around the globe living in poverty may have little margin to afford clothing for themselves—often, the prioroty is on providing for their family or keeping safe.  Dress A Girl partners with relief organizations to meet thier goal: that eery woman. and girl around the world have at least one dress of her own.


Operation First Response

When soldiers on the front lines arrive at a Combat Support Hospital (called a CASH—think MASH, like the TV show from the 70s), they may have left their personal items behind and arrive with no clothing, hygienic supplies, or comfort items.  Operation First Response provides backpacks for these soldiers with basic supplies and comfort from people who care.