There are only 3 seats left on the bus. Price is $45 cash or money order (no checks or credit cards). Price includes entry to the fair. Get over to Lake Mayer right away of you want one of those 3 remaining seats!!!!!!!
Please remember that $45 fee for the trip is due NLT September 20 and that they only accept cash or money order – No credit cards or checks!!!! If everyone on the list pays I believe there are still two or three seats left (that was as of yesterday). At any rate – the first 45 who pay get to go!!!!
BE THERE AT 6:45 am AS THE BUS PULLS OUT AT 7:00 am SHARP. The bus has an on-board restroom and the bus also makes a stop in Dublin.
Beads of Courage bead bag classes!!!
We have three upcoming classes for making these wonderful little bags. Bring your sewing machine and white thread!!
Saturday August 17 – Talahi Community Center 10 am – 1 pm
Friday August 23 – Lake Mayer 10 am – 1 pm
Friday August 30 – Lake Mayer 10 am – 1 pm
We’ll show exactly how they need to be made and hope have plenty of extra kits available for you to take home and complete. Memorial Hospital Children’s Cancer Center folks are quite delighted that we are taking on this project for the kids. Jan and I will be meeting with them tomorrow to get an idea how many they think they may need each month.
Please contact Jan or myself to let us know which day(s) you can come. We want to make certain we have enough supplies at each class. Don’t forget your sewing machine and white thread.
We look forward to having a large turn-out for this very worthy endeavor.
Many thanks, Lanette
If you are entering quilts and/or other items for the fair please make certain that you complete registration by Sept 1 so that you can get them to me NLT Sept 1. I will still need to log them in, confirm that each pillowcase has a copy of the form in it along with its quilt. Remember to baste a label on the pillowcase the shows: Your NAME, the NAME OF THE QUILT, and “RETURN TO LANETTE”
Other items do not have to have a pillowcase (1.e. art work, knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.).
Call me if you have any questions or concerns.
There is one opening for the February Retreat!
We have had a last-minute cancellation for the February retreat so – if someone would like to sign up please give me a call!!!! First call gets the spot.
Lanette (912)713-2258
Do you need longarming done before Christmas?
If you have a project (or projects) that need to be quilted before Christmas, I am still doing quick turn-arounds so you will have time even if they need to be shipped! I am accepting quilts up until Dec 18 and will get them back for you before Christmas. Give me a call – Lanette (912-713-2258)