I just wanted to remind everyone that next Saturday’s guild meeting is our Christmas luncheon. Just in case you forgot what you signed up to bring, below is a photo of the signup list (if I did it correctly!). In addition we will be collecting canned goods for those in need. And if you entered a quilt(s) in the Georgia National Fair don’t forget to bring it/them to display so everyone can see what great quilters you all are! See you Saturday! Kim Hayes
Sewing for Project Linus
This is just a reminder for those interested, that Project Linus is having a sewing day this Saturday on the 15th at 10:00. It will be at the Bull Street Baptist Church. They ask that you please bring your own sewing machine. If interested, please RSVP to Ellie Grix. 573-631-2571
Sewing for Project Linus
This is just a reminder for those interested, that Project Linus is having a sewing day this Saturday on the 15th at 10:00. It will be at the Bull Street Baptist Church. They ask that you please bring your own sewing machine. If interested, please RSVP to Ellie Grix. 573-631-2571
Sewing for Project Linus
This is just a reminder for those interested, that Project Linus is having a sewing day this Saturday on the 15th at 10:00. It will be at the Bull Street Baptist Church. They ask that you please bring your own sewing machine. If interested, please RSVP to Ellie Grix. 573-631-2571
2023 Retreat Update
Hi Ladies! Retreat is fast approaching so I thought we should update. We are still full at 28. We’ve had one member withdraw, so with only one person on the waiting list she is now bumped up to go. So the waiting is now empty, but is still available if needed.
If you have chosen to pay the remainder of your balance in two installments, your next payment is due at the October meeting. I apologize for not sending this sooner.
3 Night Double $345/lunch, $325/NO lunch. 3 Night Single $440/lunch, $420/NO lunch. Initial deposit was $100.
Second payment, if opted, will be $120/double room, $170/single.
Final payment is $125/double/lunch or $105/double/ NO lunch and $170/single/lunch or $150/single/NO lunch…due by Dec 9.
For anyone not paying in installments, balances are due on or before December 9. Payments by check, Venmo or Zell. Instructions for online payments on the SQG website.
I hope I didn’t forget anything and most importantly that my math is correct! Kim