Shop Till You Drop!

This Saturday is the guild yard sale! We’re shoppin till we drop. Don’t forget…the meeting will start at 930, sign-in begins at 915.

We are continuing to sign up for the all-day September ‘Dresdens Reimagined’ class with Candyce Grisham. We still have five places we’d love to fill. We will continue signing up this Saturday and for the next week or two.  Please see Judy Walker if you are interested. It’s always good to learn a new technique!

We will have Show & Tell, but due to lack of table space, we’ll be unable to display your items.

Also, no Take-It Table this month due to table space.

See you at the sale!  Kim

August Meeting Time Change

After the July meeting there were some concerns regarding Show & Tell vs enough time to yard sale shop. So, in order to ensure that we have enough time for everything, the August meeting will start at 9:30 with Check-in beginning at 9:15. The Yard-Sale will be extended past noon if we need to. So there should be no need for us to rush through the morning. We’ll have a brief meeting first, followed by Show and Tell, then we start the yard sale. See you at the Sale!  Kim

Update on September Friday Class

I wanted to make sure everyone knows that we are continuing to sign up for the Friday Class, “Dresdens Reimagined”, on September 8th with Candyce Grisham. In addition to the class, we have also contracted with her to speak to us during our guild meeting on Saturday, the 9th. Candyce Grisham is a nationally known author, fiber artist and teacher. In this class you will learn to make the Dresden plate with five different finishes. Class Fee is $75 which is non-refundable. A special template is required. Detailed instructions for purchasing the template will be on your supply list. It is worth the time to check out her website at
Most importantly, the guild brings in nationally known quilters/instructors twice per year to teach an all-day class plus present a talk to our guild during the program portion of the meeting. To accomplish this, we set a minimum class limit and calculate a class fee to offset the cost for instructor fees, plane tickets, room & board, etc. In addition to the class fees, the Guild General Fund also helps cover these costs. For the Dresden class our minimum limit is 20 participants with a class fee of $75. We currently have 7 people signed up. We still need 13 spots filled to be able to move forward with the guild presentation and class. If you plan to sign up, we would like you to contact Judy Walker, in lieu of waiting until the August meeting. Judy will give you all the necessary information.
Judy’s cell phone (912) 547-3166 and email
Thanks for your support! Kim Hayes

Saturday’s Luncheon and Games!

This Saturday is our Luncheon and Game Day meeting! We will start the meeting portion promptly at 1000, so give yourself plenty of time to sign in. This month starts the sign up for September’s full day class with Candyce Grisham.
We’ll start with a quick meeting, followed by games; lunch around 1100…followed by more games. With some prizes, of course! This meeting will NOT have Show and Tell, so we have more time to play and socialize. The August yard sale meeting WILL have Show and Tell.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know newer members. Let’s all make a new friend this Saturday! Kim

Saturday Meeting

Hi Everyone! This Saturday is our June meeting at Southside Baptist Church. There are a few important items to note:
1. The breezeway that we usually use to get to the back parking area, will be closed off this Saturday. Instead turn into the church lot at the first drive after turning off of DeRenne. Go left around to the back, past the playground, to our regular parking area.
2. We will be having our program first, starting at 1000 am. Author Marie Bostwick will be speaking to us. She will have copies of her newest book for sale if interested.
Marie’s talk has been advertised to the public, so we are hoping to have some additional guests join us.
3. After a break, we will have our meeting, followed by Show and Tell.
4. If you were at the last Circles Galore Monday class, don’t forget to bring your circles to share!
5. This Saturday is the last day to sign up for our July luncheon…$12. It’s all about food and games, so don’t miss out!