Fabric Sale to Benefit Project Linus

Hey Quilters! At the July 6 Make-A-Blanket Day event for Project Linus (sign up below!) I’m going to sell some three-yard packs and quilt kits to raise funds!

The fabric packs and kits will be a $10 donation each. Even if you can’t stay for the Fleece Blanket event, feel free to stop by and peruse what I have for sale. I also have some Villa Rosa pattern cards that I’ll throw in for free with each purchase!

I just came back from the Project Linus Retreat in Kansas City and I have a lot of great ideas from the coordinators I met there. Stay tuned, and thanks so much for your support!




Make a Blanket Day sign up here: https://forms.gle/4UJPp9dpxQF8PkjZ6

Project Linus of Savannah is having a make-a-blanket day on Saturday, July 6 at 10:00 am. Instead of sewing quilt tops, we will be making fleece blankets. We are making them in two styles: “no sew” fringed fleece, and blankets with a crocheted border. Supplies needed and other information in the link above!

Project Linus Make-A-Blanket Day and Donation Information

Hello, Quilt Guild Members! Thank you so much for your support of Project Linus!

Just a reminder to sign up for the July 6 Make-A-Blanket Day here: https://forms.gle/4UJPp9dpxQF8PkjZ6 (You can change your response later if you’re a “maybe).

We’ll be making fleece blankets this time around, rather than quilted tops. We’re making blankets in two styles: Fringed, and Crocheted Border!

For you new members, Project Linus is an international charity that is dedicated to providing blankets to children in need! All blankets must be new, handmade, allergen-free, and a minimum of 36″ square. They can be quilted, crocheted, knitted, or fleece!

You can sign up for my newsletter and find more information about materials and drop-off sites here: https://mailchi.mp/9f4a1cd301bf/project-linus-of-savannah-and-hilton-head


Thanks again for your support! I hope to see you at the July 6 event!




Project Linus Make-A-Blanket Day, July 6

Hello, Quilt Guild Members!

I’m excited to announce an upcoming event for Project Linus: Make-A-Blanket Day, July 6, 10:00 am at Bull Street Baptist Church.

Unlike past events, this get-together won’t be about sewing quilt tops. Instead we will be making fleece blankets for local hospitals and shelters.

I plan on making two styles of blankets: simple no-sew fleece blankets with a fringed border, and fleece blankets with a crocheted border. I hope that those of you who know how to crochet can attend!

To RSVP and for more details, click here: https://forms.gle/BnsKAAnhMwd5Ug2EA

Thank you all for your wonderful support of Project Linus!



Questions? Email elliegrix@gmail.com

Cake Mix Quilting for Project Linus

Hello Guild members!

On Tuesday, May 7, Sew Much More in Garden City is hosting an event to benefit Project Linus! Attendees will be provided fabric and a Cake Mix “Recipe Card,” and the squares will be made into a collaborative quilt for Project Linus.

Registration is free, but all attendees must RSVP by “purchasing” a space on their website: http://www.sewmuchmore.com/module/class/547022/cake-mix-for-project-linus


Hope to see you there!


Project Linus Coordinator

(P.S. I won’t be able to attend the May 13 Quilt Guild meeting, so if you have any donations you can drop them off at one of our collaborators: Joann’s, Sew Much More, Savannah Sews, and Blue Heron Stitchery in Bluffton)

Project Linus Sewing Day, March 2

Hello, Guild Members!

It’s time to sign up for the next Project Linus Sewing Day!

We are meeting at 10:00 am on Saturday, March 2 at Bull Street Baptist Church. We can only accommodate around 20 quilters in the Fellowship Hall, so RSVP to reserve your spot!

Project Linus will provide pre-cut quilt kits. Attendees should bring their sewing machine, neutral thread, an extension cord, surge protector, and a suggested donation of $5-$10. All attendees should RSVP here (you can enter “maybe” and change your response later if you’re not sure if you can make it):    https://forms.gle/htpdr2sokQGxLx4y8


Thank you all so much for supporting Project Linus!







Project Linus Newsletter

Hello, guild members!

Project Linus of Savannah and Hilton Head now has a newsletter! I’ll be sending out an e-mailed newsletter once a month or so with information on upcoming events, blanket requirements, donation needs, and profiles of local charities.

To sign up for the newsletter, click here: https://mailchi.mp/9f4a1cd301bf/project-linus-of-savannah-and-hilton-head 

Thank you all for your amazing support in 2023! I’m looking forward to a fantastic 2024!
