Help finding ties for Michael’s workshop

If you are looking for men’s ties for Michael’s upcoming workshop, men’s ties are offered at the Humane Society Thrift Shop on Sallie Mood Dr. (Between Eisenhower and Montgomery Crossroad.)

They are only $1.00 each!! They don’t have a huge amount, but they were nice.

The shop is upstairs on the second floor.

Happy tie buying!!

((p.s. Goodwill is very close across the street from The Humane Society for more tie shopping.))

Question about National Quilters Circle

Has anyone else subscribed to the National Quilters Circle? They had a terrific price reduction to only $3 for a year. Now I get emails to upgrade for $6.99 a year to the GOLD membership.

It appears to be is a slick operation and not sure I can put up with constant communication.

Anyone have thought or experience with them?

Unique find: a GraceHoop2 2005 made by The Grace Company.

I picked up this almost brand new 22 inch handquilter’s hoop at a silent auction recently for only $60. I bought it with the Guild members in mind.  I am not a hand quilter. I only want to pass it along for the amount I paid.  I did so with the thought that someone in the Guild who hand quilts would love to have such a wonderfully engineered quilt hoop.  I will attach info about it. It seems to have originally sold new for $300. See pics of it as I get them posted.  The pic is of one I found from an old Craig’s list ad. I have pics on my phone, but not yet uploaded.

I don’t think we want to use our website to sell things, I am only offering this a something I found, bought and thought someone would love to have it.


The Grace Company GraceHoop2 2005 info