February 2021 Guild Meeting

I hope you all are well and happily quilting away!
Our Guild Meeting will be held at the Talahi Island Community Center, 532 Quarterman Drive, on 13 February 2021.  Social time will begin at 9:30 am and the meeting will begin promptly at 10 Am.  Bring your show and tell and don’t forget your mask as we are social distancing.  There will also be a take-it table set up.
We will be Zooming the meeting, your zoom login information follows.
cynthia ochoa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Savannah Quilt Guild February 2021 Meeting
Time: Feb 13, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 4013 3974
Passcode: 074822
Hope to see you Saturday,
Cindy Ochoa

Unauthorized email

Good Morning All,

I have been notified that an email in my name has been sent to some of our members.  I have not sent any emails in support of supporting our vererans.  This is a SCAM.  Please disregard any email of this nature that apprear to be sent by me.  I am so sorry for the inconvience.

Cindy Ochoa

Savannah Quilt Guild June 2020

Hello Everyone,

We will be Zooming our June meeting.  There is a meeting filled with lots of quilty information and Terry Duncan has a wonderful program planned for us.  Meeting times are 10 am to 12 pm.  I will open the meeting at 9:30 am for those who need help or just want to chat prior to the meeting.

The login information is below.  No need to register this month.

Meeting ID: 854 3213 7210

Password: quiltguild

Questions call me.

Cindy Ochoa


Savannah Quilt Guild May 2020 Meeting


We are certainly living in unusual times.  During this time of social distancing, it is very important we stay connected.  Different times require different methods and ideas.  With that in mind, your guild leadership has elected to try a new way to communicate with all of you.

We will be using ZOOM for our May 2020 meeting.  Be patient with us as we are in a learning phase with this new technology.

You will need to download the Zoom app on your computer or phone.  Your computer or phone must-have video and mic capability.

Friday, May 8  from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm there will be a Test Meeting to work out any problems you might have logging in.

Meeting ID:  826 4687 6264

Meeting Password:  test

You will need to register for this meeting.

Saturday, May 9 the Savannah Quilt Guild Meeting will be held from10:00 am to 12:30 pm.  The meeting will open at 9:30 am to facilitate all participants having time to log in.

Meeting ID: 832 2778 3621

Password: SQG

You will need to register for this meeting.

Call me if you have a question.

Cindy Ochoa
