August 8, Guild Meeting

Our monthly guild meeting is approaching……this Saturday, August 8th! (On Zoom)

The waiting room will open at 9:30 and the meeting will begin at 10:00.  Our program will be the 2014 CAG Quilt Exhibit.  The presentation (created by Fred Langley) features many beautiful quilts as well as the smiling faces of many of our members, past and present.

Here is the information to access the meeting on Saturday. Please call or text Theresa before 10:00 that day at 912-656-3605 if you have trouble logging on. ( I will be too distracted to look at my phone once the meeting begins). Thanks!!  Hope to see you there!!!

Topic: Savannah Quilt Guild August Meeting
Time: Aug 8, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 2056 3456
Passcode: 323442