Mini Mosaic Zoom workshop with Cheryl Lynch

This great opportunity showed up in my email and I thought I would share. Cheryl Lynch is the designer behind the Mini Mosaic patterns many of us have made. Check it out. 🙂   Theresa

“Beach Love” is a mini mosaic 8″x10″ canvas art.  There is no sewing, so it’s fun for both sewists and non-sewists alike. It’s a virtual 3 hour workshop using Zoom.  The  workshop fee ($40) includes the class and the complete kit and shipping in the US.  You can choose to use one component or all three.  You can decorate the canvas or leave it plain.  In class I will go over how to create the mosaics, words, decorating the canvas and attaching it to the canvas.
The kit includes the canvas, pattern, cut up fabric and SAS.
There is an Admin from Junto Space who will help you if there are any technology issues.  We’ll be using breakout rooms to make the class more intimate.You can get to meet new friends and be able to ask lots of questions!
“Beach Love” will only be offerred in this virtual workshop for 2020.
DATE: Friday, June 12th   6:30-9:30PM EDT