Prayers for Sandra Ailio

I am sad to report that Sandra is in the hospital (Memorial) with intestinal issues (not COVID!).  She can’t have visitors, but her husband spends the night with her.  She requests no flowers or plants please.   She also believes she is unable to go to the Retreat in March.  (She has been dealing with this since December).  Please put Sandra in your prayer for support and resolution and a speedy recovery.   Judy Walker may need help with the workshops so please reach out to her if you can assist.  Peace, Love and God speed to you all.  Laurel

One Response

  • I received a message from Sandra. She wanted to add the following information….
    From a quote attributed to Mark Twain after he read in a newspaper that he had fallen ill and died.

    “…the reports of my death are grossly exaggerated.”

    It’s wonderful to see that her sense of humor is still intact!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery Sandra!!

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