We Want To Hear From You

Have you completed the Members Survey yet? If not, we’d love your input! Your feedback helps us shape a year of quilting, learning, and community that reflects what you want from the guild.

Survey Link


We will also have printed copies available at the meeting for those who prefer to fill it out in person. A huge thank you to everyone who has already completed it—your responses have been incredibly helpful! Let’s keep the momentum going and hear from as many members as possible.

Thank you for your time and thoughts—we truly appreciate it!

Michael Sengstack

Meeting Reminder: Wear Your Nametag

Reminder: Guild Meeting Tomorrow!

We can’t wait to see everyone at tomorrow’s meeting! Join us for social time starting at 9:30 AM, with the meeting beginning at 10:00 AM.

Don’t forget to wear your nametag to be entered into our Thank You for Coming drawing!

If you haven’t renewed your 2025 membership yet, please bring your payment with you so you can continue to be part of all the fun and creativity this year. We’d love to have you with us!

See you soon!


February Workshop (this Saturday)

February 2025 Workshop –   Landscape Quilts
If you haven’t paid, remember your $20
Date February 8th (after the meeting) Bring your lunch.
Instructor: Terry Duncan
Landscape quilts are easy and fun to make. Each one is unique. In this workshop, you will
learn the basics of landscape quilting using your scrap fabrics.
For this workshop you will need to bring:
• Sewing machine
• Fabric – long/wide enough to cut strips plan on at least 8- 12 inches long
• Straight pins
• Scissors/Rotary cutter
• Thread for sewing machine: minimum bring grey and white, other colors are always nice to have.
I will have extra fabric, so don’t stress.

Bring a picture for inspiration. I will be bringing some pictures with me.

for more information and question: Terry Duncan

Modern Bee Notes

The Modern Bee will be meeting this month on Wednesday afternoon Feb. 19 from 1-4. We’ll be continuing with our work on minimalist quilts and ther will be a challenge. There will be more details on this later, but in the meantime, I’d like to remind everyone who has a round robin quilt to bring it to the guild meeting this Saturday. We’ll show them together.

February 2025 pillowcase project

Hi, All❤️ I hope you are still making pillowcases for the children at the hospital. We made another beautiful delivery last week. They are so grateful for all your efforts.

As far as our fabric supply, we have a lot of cuffs and a lot of bodies already cut, but they do no match (think Batman and zoo animals). We are in need of one yard cuts of white, cream, navy or medium blue solids or that read as solid. One yard can complete two pillowcase kits and give these poor fabrics a match. Very appropriate for Valentine’s Day.

We have one meeting at Lake Mayer this month, Friday, February 21 from 10-2. Hope to see you there and thank you for all of your support. Debbie and Frances