Hello fellow quilters! We will be at Lake Mayer tomorrow from 10 til 2 cutting new fabric for kits, and making pillowcases. Lanette and Jan will be there to teach how to make bags for Beads of courage too! It’s a lot of fun. Our dates in September are the 6th, the 13th, and the 20th. Hope you can join us. And thank you for all of your help with making pillowcases and donating money or fabric. Debbie and Frances
Relaxing Slow Stitch on scraps September 14
No need to bring your sewing machine. We will focus on slow stitching.
There will be plenty of projects to get you inspired.
I will have supplies and scrap blocks at the workshop for everyone, so you can practice the various slow stitches.
Enjoy the last bits of August!
August Appliqué Bee
Tuesday August 27 1 – 4
Center Parc Credit Union community room
5698-A Ogeechee Rd Savannah
This month will be a sit and sew.
Judy Lindsey
Tips on Handprint Quilt
Hello Guild Members,
My church has asked me to make a handprint quilt for a raffle item at our upcoming Fall Fest! They want all the Sunday School kids to stamp their hands on a square and then have an adult write their name on the block. I’m thinking I’ll just use simple sashing around the blocks.
Does anyone have any tips on what kind of fabric or paint markers I should use? Any tips for keeping this project as mess-free as possible?
Thanks for the advice!
(you can reply on the forum or email me elliegrix@gmail.com)
Modern Quilt Bee Tomorrow
Just a quick reminder, we will be meeting tomorrow afternoon from 1-4 pm.
Meeting at Talahi, hope to see everyone.
Carol Richards
Beads of Courage bead bag classes!!!
We have three upcoming classes for making these wonderful little bags. Bring your sewing machine and white thread!!
Saturday August 17 – Talahi Community Center 10 am – 1 pm
Friday August 23 – Lake Mayer 10 am – 1 pm
Friday August 30 – Lake Mayer 10 am – 1 pm
We’ll show exactly how they need to be made and hope have plenty of extra kits available for you to take home and complete. Memorial Hospital Children’s Cancer Center folks are quite delighted that we are taking on this project for the kids. Jan and I will be meeting with them tomorrow to get an idea how many they think they may need each month.
Please contact Jan or myself to let us know which day(s) you can come. We want to make certain we have enough supplies at each class. Don’t forget your sewing machine and white thread.
We look forward to having a large turn-out for this very worthy endeavor.
Many thanks, Lanette