Retreat 2025 Information

Sign-up for the 2025 Savannah Quilt Guild Retreat will begin on Saturday, April 13th at the guild meeting.  You must be present to register.  Attached is the Registration Form so you may fill it out ahead of time if you wish.  We will also have blank forms at the meeting.  The deposit will be $100 as usual and we will only accept deposits from the first 30 folks in line at the meeting. If more than 30 would like to attend we will accept their registration forms, number them in the order received, and add them to the waiting list.  Mailed-in forms will be opened and added immediately after the meeting.  Those on the waiting list will not pay any money until openings arise.   Please keep in mind that this past retreat we started with a waiting list of nine and as it turned out they all had the opportunity to go!! Lanette

Reminder March Appliqué Bee

The Appliqué Bee will meet Tuesday April 26 1 – 4.  We meet at the Center Parc Credit Union 5698-A Ogeechee Rd Savannah.  We will have an Introduction to Wool Appliqué workshop or you can work on your own handwork project.  Kits will be provided.  Supplies needed are: pencil, small paper scissors, embroidery floss or perle cotton and a needle.

Judy Lindsey


March Modern Bee Meeting Reminder

This is a reminder that the modern quilt bee will be meeting this Wednesday, March 20 1-4 at the Talahi Island Community Center (532 Quarterman Dr.)

Bring your machine and a palette of coordinated fabric. We’ll be continuing with the 3-6-9 Puzzle Quilts, adding some new types of blocks that can be included. If you missed last month, don’t worry just bring a stack of fabric and you’ll be all set. Ans don’t forget to bring show and tell items, either completed or in progress.

See you Wednesday.

SQG Facebook page

If you are not a member of our “private” Facebook page and would like to be, send me an email and I will add you to the group. This a great resource for sharing pics of your quilts, asking questions and sharing information related to quilting!             Theresa Sapp