Hi Everyone!
Tomorrow is our Holiday Breakfast and meeting. If you forgot what you signed up to bring, the complete sign-up sheet is on the SQG website. It is under Members—Member’s Post–scroll down to “SQG Holiday Sign-Up List”—click on the link.
We will eat breakfast first at 1000, followed by our business meeting. After the meeting we will have the President’s Challenge Reveal, then Show and Tell. So don’t forget your President’s Reveal project, even if it’s not completed!
If you are attending the 2025 Guild Retreat, your balance is due by the end of tomorrow’s meeting. And your yearly Membership Dues of $30 need to be paid by the end of January. Both fees may be paid by Zelle, Venmo or check. Detailed instructions for on-line payment is under the Members menu.
See you all tomorrow! Kim Hayes