Quilters click here to download or print newsletter: SQG Newsletter September 2023
Everyone stay safe.
Carol Lannom
Quilters click here to download or print newsletter: SQG Newsletter September 2023
Everyone stay safe.
Carol Lannom
Membership photo listing has been updated with several new photos. Please check the listing. If your photo is missing, please email or text a “selfie head shot” to Donna Vandable at vandable@att.net or 912.713.0339. Thanks to everyone for their cooperation.
The Jepson Center Sewcial for Wednesday (tomorrow) is canceled due to the expected rain and wind from Hurricane Idalia. The Sewcial will be rescheduled at a later date.
Be safe everyone!
Hi Guild Members!
Today is the start of a really fun Project Linus event: the Mystery Quilt Challenge! For $20, you receive weekly step-by-step instructions and videos to create a single themed block, similar to the Quilt Guild “block of the month.” At the end of eight weeks is the “Big Reveal” with instructions to complete a youth-sized quilt!
You can sign up for the Mystery Quilt Challenge at https://www.projectlinus.org/ Make sure to specify Savannah / Hilton Head as the Chapter Name, and Ellie Grix as the Coordinator so that your donation benefits this local chapter.
The first clue is revealed on September 23! This is a fun project for quilters of all skill levels, and a great fundraiser for Project Linus.
The Hand Appliqué Bee will meet on Tuesday 22 Aug 1:00 – 4:00 at the Garden CityLibrary, 104 Sunshine Rd. There will be a workshop to learn how to make turned edge appliqués using fiber, templar and freezer paper. This method can be used for hand and machine appliqué.
Supply List
Hello again, members! I forgot to mention a policy regarding quilting donated tops:
Project Linus can only complete quilt tops when the materials have been provided by our chapter funds (i.e. the quilt kits and projects made on Sew Days). We cannot accept any other donated quilt tops due to limited funding and supplies.
Thank you all for your understanding! E-mail me if you have any questions regarding Project Linus’ policies on donations.