Barn Quilt Painting Class Student Supply List

We are getting ready for our Barn Quilt Painting Class with Suzi Parron on Friday, April 14. The time for the class is 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.  Please arrive 30 minutes early (9:30 am) so that we can begin on time

Supply list includes 1) Green Frog brand painter’s tape. 0.94 inch is the easiest to work with. 2) Pencil        3) Yardstick or 24 inch ruler 4) Blow dryer with extension cord (can be shared by 2-3 people) 5) apron if you are worried about being messy.

Be sure to bring your beverage and a lunch.  Suzi will have the designs with her. They run from very easy to challenging. We are looking forward to sharing this class with you.

Judy W Walker                              Mary Bell Fuller


Saturday Final Date to Sign up for Barn Block Painting Workshop

Saturday is the last chance to sign up for our April 14 workshop with Suzi Parton.  We will paint 24″ x 24″ wood quilt blocks suitable for hanging at your front door or any where that is calling you.  Seven spots are available.  The cost is $85 which includes that kit fee.  Be sure to bring your checkbook.  You can also use Venmo or Zelle.  We will be at the registration table ready to sign you up.  See you Saturday.

Judy W Walker. and Mary Bell Fuller


Awesome on-line fabric sale!

A friend of mine – actually my manager from the fabric store I worked at back in high school- runs an Etsy fabric shop and she has a bunch of stuff at 60% off! I’ve already placed my order, but thought I’d share the bargains with you all, too!

Please check it out if you have the chance.



Guild Meeting this Saturday

Don’t forget that our guild meeting is this Saturday at the First Christian Church of Savannah. The address is 711 E Victory Dr. Parking is available in the church lot. From Victory drive, turn onto Paulsen and take the first alley to the Fellowship Building. And don’t forget your name badge so you can be eligible for a prize! See you all soon! Kim