Project Linus Sew Day: June 24

Project Linus of Savannah / Hilton Head is having a Sew Day on Saturday, June 24 at 10:00am at Bull Street Baptist Church! Pre-cut “quilt kits” are provided. Bring your machine, notions, and neutral thread and get ready for a fun day of making quilt tops for Project Linus!

Details and RSVP by filling out this form:

(You can edit your response later if you’re a “maybe”)

email with any questions!

Correction list for Rita’s workshop in May

I spoke to Rita today, lucky lady is in Paducah! She said you won’t need to bring sewing machines, my mistake. You will be so busy designing. The amended supply list is. Quilt or quilt block, multiple sharpened pencils or mechanical pencil, eraser, scotch tape, ruler, quilting rulers if you have them there is still a few slots open. Hope to see you there

Information for May’s workshop

There are still a few places left for Rita’s workshop on May 13.If you have signed up bring a quilt or quilt block you would like to quilt. You will also need a pencil, a marking pen for you quilt Rita will be providing the paper for your designs you can also bring your sewing machine, rulers, walking foot and ruler foot if you are ready to put your design on your quilt. Everyone no matter level of experience will be able to take important tips and tricks from this workshop. See you there!