This Saturday is our Luncheon and Game Day meeting! We will start the meeting portion promptly at 1000, so give yourself plenty of time to sign in. This month starts the sign up for September’s full day class with Candyce Grisham.
We’ll start with a quick meeting, followed by games; lunch around 1100…followed by more games. With some prizes, of course! This meeting will NOT have Show and Tell, so we have more time to play and socialize. The August yard sale meeting WILL have Show and Tell.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know newer members. Let’s all make a new friend this Saturday! Kim
Project Linus Collaborative Quilts
Hello, Guild Members!
Thank you all for your support of Project Linus. Our recent Sew Day was a fantastic success (pictures below), and I have some fun projects to share with the Guild:
- Quilters can participate in a collaborative project and make a squares for a quilt top. The pattern for the blanket can be found here: and dimensions for the individual block is attached below. It’s a simple 6″ square with a 3 1/2″ border on each side. Use a fun print for the center and a corresponding solid (or solid-ish) for the border!
- Take home Quilt Kits are now available! Fabric and patterns are provided and are prepared by guild member Paula. I’ll bring the kits to the guild meeting on Saturday. I’ll just need to get your name and contact information if you take one home. You can bring the completed tops to the guild meeting in August! If you’d like to quilt the top yourself that would be wonderful, or consider making a small donation to Project Linus to help offset the costs of quilting the tops professionally ($5 suggested).
Thank you all for sharing your talents with the community. You can reach me with questions at
Ellie Grix
Chapter Coordinator, Project Linus of Savannah / Hilton Head
Website is under some maintenance this week
Hi, SQG Quilters,
I’m doing some work on the website this week. I hope that it will not interfere with any logins, but it may. If you have trouble logging in, please try again after I send out another post about the work being complete.
Trip to Augusta Sewing Center
I will be going to Augusta Sewing Center next week to pick up my sewing machine. If you have one that needs to be serviced, please contact me and I will be happy to drop it off. Call or text deb brown: 912.328.7731.
SQG Newsletter July 2023
Click here for your copy to print or download: SQG Newsletter July 2023
Ladies have a safe, cool and “HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!” 😎🤩🏖️🎇
Carol Lannom
Sad news about our dear friend, Marilyn
Dear quilters,
Our friend, Marilyn Smith, passed away this morning. She was loved by so many in our group. Her bright outlook on life and her flair for artfully created modern quilting will always live in our hearts.
Please keep her family in your prayers!