Hello, guild members! First of all, thank you all so much for your continued support of Project Linus. This chapter is incredibly fortunate to have so many talented and generous quilters in our community!
I’m excited to announce our next event: a “Quilting Day,” held Saturday, September 30. RSVP and details here: https://forms.gle/j2gmXQwRSuKhoUCb9
Rather than sewing quilt tops, we’ll be assembling the Quilt Kits into finished quilts. Project Linus will provide the batting and 108″ wide backing fabric. We need volunteers to cut batting, prepare backing fabric, assemble binding strips, and most importantly, quilt the “sandwiches” together. Fancy designs are not necessary; simple “stich in the ditch” or wavy lines are perfect!
Click the link above to RSVP (you can edit your response later).
And finally, if you took home a Quilt Kit at the August meeting, please have it ready by the September 9 meeting!
If you have any questions, e-mail me at elliegrix@gmail.com
Thank you!